Genesis ch 1 v 32
Genesis ch 1 v 32

The substance of Mind is thought or ideas. If God is Divine Mind, how was creation possible without a medium in which mind could work? God is also Divine substance.

genesis ch 1 v 32

When God saw that the light was good He “divided the light from the darkness”. Why was light the first necessity? Because the understanding and intelligence (light) must come before divine order can be established. It is the opening response to the command “Let there be light”. Understanding comes from above and descends first into the subconscious mind. Of what are the words “the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” a figure? Of the first faint subconscious gleam of understanding in the mind of man. He feels that his beginnings are shrouded in darkness, that they are unknowable. To what does the primeval darkness correspond? To man’s ignorance of his origin in Divine Mind.

genesis ch 1 v 32

“The earth was waste and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” Where did order first exist? In Divine Mind. When he enters spiritual consciousness the light in him grows clear and is “divided” from the darkness. Partial understanding of effects is mixed in his thought with ignorance, intolerance, or error, forming a mental twilight. Therefore, he cannot fully occupy the place prepared for him by Divine Mind.ĭoes the statement, “God divided the light from the darkness” apply in any way for man? It does in this respect: the natural man, by looking to externals rather than to the innate truth of his being, prevents his thoughts from being altogether enlightened, or his mind made clear.

#Genesis ch 1 v 32 how to

Why has man been unable thus far to occupy completely the “place” prepared for him by the Father-Mind? Man has not known how to let the divine will be expressed completely in himself.

genesis ch 1 v 32

To express the ideal content of the Father-Mind in himself engages man’s efforts now as in the beginning. Man’s work is to bring into manifestation in the world of form the ideally perfect creation of God. Has man a part in the creative process of Divine Mind? If so, explain what it is. Acting on Divine Substance, the Father created man in the ideal. What was the beginning of man? Man began as a perfect idea or image and likeness of God in Divine Mind. After Elohim had finished creating and has pronounced his work “very good,” in the 2d chapter of Genesis it is written, there was “no plant of the field” in the earth, “ and no herb of the field had yet sprung up for Jehovah God had not caused it to rain upon the earth: and there was not a man to till the ground.” The 1st chapter of Genesis describes the spiritual or ideal creation. Jehovah (I am), who appears in the 2d chapter of Genesis, is Elohim’s expression, in and through man and the universe as we know them, are manifestation.ĭoes the description of the creation of man and the universe as given in the 1st chapter of Genesis, include the whole creative process? No. Jesus said “God is Spirit.” Elohimn is the originating, universal Spirit. Elohim means God in absolute universality. Is there anything to indicate that this creative power is like a great man? In the original Hebrew, the Word Elohim is used. “God said, Let there be light, and there was light.” “God said, Let us make man in our image, after one likeness.” What is the one creative power in the universe? The word or the creative thought of Divine Mind is the one creative power. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. 1:5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. 1:4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 1:2And the earth was waste and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters 1:3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Metaphysically Interpreting Genesis 1:1-5ġ:1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

genesis ch 1 v 32

Metaphysical Bible Interpretation of Genesis Chapter 1

Genesis ch 1 v 32